Saturday, January 31, 2009

U.S. Constitution Quiz II Study Guide

U.S. Constitution Quiz II Study Guide

Your quiz Monday, February 2 will contain open-ended questions that will be drawn from the pool of questions below. If you do not see the questions below, they will not be on the quiz. In other words, if you learn the answers to all of the questions below, you will receive a perfect score on the quiz. You should refer to your class notes, the discussion board, the textbook, and online resources to obtain your answers to these questions.

1. What did New Jersey argue in the New Jersey Plan?

That the representatives shouldn’t be equal to the population.
2. What did Virginia argue in the Virginia Plan?

That the representatives should be equal to the population.
3. What was the result of the Great Compromise?

The House of Reps and The Senate
4. Who wanted slaves to be counted in the census? Why?

South so they would have a bigger population
5. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?
It was that slaves counted as 3/5 of a person instead of a whole

6. If a state had 300,000 whites and 100,000 slaves, what would be the total population of the state under the Three-Fifths Compromise?
466,666 people

7. What is the purpose of a census?

To count the population
8. Why is it important for your family to complete the census form next year?

To make sure the government knows Florida’s population so we have  more reps

9. How many years are in a term for a U.S. Representative?

10. How many years are in a term for a U.S. Senator?

11. Which branch of government has term limits?

12. Why were term limits imposed on that branch of government?

So one man (or woman) doesn’t have to much power like monarchy
13. Who has the power to impeach a President of the United States?

House of Reps
14. What does it mean if a President is impeached?

He is accused of committing a crime
15. What is the next step after impeachment?

It goes to the Senate and they decide if it is a reasonable reason for impeachment
16. What was the immediate effect of the Constitutional Convention?
A new set of laws to govern the country 

17. What is the purpose of a system of checks and balances? 
If president vetoes it the house of reps, 218-yes 217-no, can vote then they bring it to the senate, 49-no 51- yes, then they bring it to the presidents if he vetoes it than 2/3 of  the house of reps(290) has to vote yes and 2/3 of the senate(66) have to vote yes
18. What motivated the founding fathers to devise a system of checks and balances?

19. Which party controls the legislative branch of government?

20. Which party controls the executive branch of government?

21. Why is it important to a party to control a branch of government?

22. Which direction does the U.S. Supreme Court lean?

23. How do you know if a judge leans left or right?
By the way the judges have voted in the past cases 

24. When is a judge appointed by the President to the U.S. Supreme Court?

25. How would the U.S. Supreme Court likely rule on a case on abortion? Why?
Pro Life because the U.S. Supreme Court leans right

26. How would the U.S. Supreme Court likely rule on a case on gun control? Why?
They would rule that the 2nd amendment should be enforced and everyone should be allowed to own a gun for protection because that is the republicans view. And republicans make up the majority of the supreme court.

27. Where does a bill go after the U.S. House of Representatives passes it?
U.S. Senate

28. Who has the power to veto a bill?
29. Who has the power to override a veto? How many votes are needed?
Congress and a Two-Thirds vote 
30. Who has the power to declare a law unconstitutional?
U.S. Supreme Court 
31. Why is the U.S. Constitution called a living document?
It’s called a living document because it can be changed at any time. 
32. What is the difference between the local, state, and federal government?

Local- Deals with issues that affect your city our county 
State- Deals with issues that effect everyone in your state
Federal- Deals with issues that affect everyone in the US
33. What are two limitations on your First Amendment free speech rights?
Screaming fire in a crowded building
Can’t scream shoot or kill at the president
34. What is the difference between a monarchy and a representative democracy?
Monarchy is one ruler and a representative democracy is ruled by different sections of government

35. What is the purpose of a Political Action Committee?

They can write petitions for things they believe in

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jefferson Notes

Notes on Video

Thomas Jefferson-3rd president of the United States of America

1742 to

·         Mysterious character

·         Violinist

·         Writer

·         surveyor

·         scientist

·         lover of fine wines

·         restless architect *couldn’t finish own house*

·         reluctant politician

·         Champion of small government



·         Lost a lot never his faith of the future

·         “we hold these truths that all men are equal….”

·         He owned over 200 slaves

·         “conceding spirit of this country”

·         Wrote Declaration of Independence

·         “Found language to express greatest aspirations man has”

·         Inconsistencies in vision of life or hypocrite? (200 slaves vs. everyone is equal)


a.      Born in edge of wilderness in 1742

b.      Parents --

                                                              i.      Mother- aristocrat

                                                            ii.      Father  - self made man *industriest and fine man*

c.       By time Jefferson was 6 he had taught himself the violin and learned geek and Latin

d.      At age 14 his father died suddenly

e.      When he was sent to school*father’s wish*, he made his best friend Damicar

                                                              i.      Best friend--If one boy died before other the other boy would burry him on the mountain they loved to ride their horses to

f.        15/24 hours he spent learning and studying after he spent much time playing

g.      Governor George With was his mentor, professor, and “other father”

h.      Most intoxicated by the idea that man can do indescribable good

i.        Earned living at the morgue

                                                              i.      But politics still drew him in

j.        At 27 he moved to the hill he and his best friend named “Tom’s mountain” but renamed it Monticello Italian for little mountain

                                                              i.      First built little brick cottage

                                                            ii.      Then took on a new challenge, a house with Greek and Italian design

k.      Love Life Family

                                                              i.      He started to court a widow of an old lawyer

                                                            ii.      he got married on her fathers land, he was 18 she was 23

                                                          iii.      they lived in a cottage  that was cold and dark

                                                           iv.      her name was Martha he called her Patty

                                                             v.      they started their life in his 18 by 18 cottage

                                                           vi.      Their first child was named  Martha but they called her Patsy

l.        Death

                                                              i.      His best friend died

1.      he buried him in Monticello

2.      To deal with grief he made lists and mapped out the time his slaves had to take to make the graveyard with his friend

                                                            ii.      His father in law died

1.      Left land

2.      Left hundreds of slaves

3.      Sold land and saved slaves

                                                          iii.      ….

m.    Was 16th to sign

n.      Helped declare a day of prayer  and fasting

o.      Was part of house of burgesses

p.      June 11, 1775 he set off to Monticello’


a.      1775 kings still ruled

b.      Adams was his friend à enemy à friend again

c.       Was 33 and youngest in the committee ‘

d.      He impressed everyone with his hard work

(a)   but was privately suffering

(b)   he got no letters from his friends or family

e.      September 1775 his second daughter Jane died at 17 months

(a)   Martha was so depressed and frail she couldn’t write to him

(b)   She randomly went into states of depression

f.        His mother died sending him into great depression

g.      June 7th 1776 Richard Henry of Virginia brought up the idea of freedom

h.      Established a committee( of all 13 colonies) to draft a Declaration of Independence

(a)   Adams and Jefferson were assigned to write it after Franklin refused

(i)     Adams was anecdotal and earthy

(ii)   Jefferson was boring and legitimate

(b)   Jefferson ended up writing it in a little house

(i)     His servant was serving him tea

(ii)   He would periodically play the violin

(iii) He would write without any notes

(iv)  It took him only a few days to write

(v)    It was only supposed to be an expression

(c)    We            hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal with doubt they have to their creator that they have inalienable rights which are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness—or so

(i)     All Americans or almost all believe in these words

(d)   July 4th 1776,

(i)     12/14 states approved the Declaration of Independence Jefferson wrote

(ii)   America started

i.        Slavery

(a)   539,000 Americans were owned by other Americans

(b)   Jefferson spoke about emancipation as a young man

(i)     He was denounced for so

(c)    Jefferson is right at the heart of the equal rights paradox

j.        Back in Virginia

(a)   He called for public schools

(b)   Overturned the law

(c)    He was most proud of his bill that established freedom of religion

(i)     Government could not favor for any religion

(ii)   Separation of church and state didn’t exist

(iii) Inside everyone there is this cornel or core of faith that should not be tampered with out essence

(iv)  It was ten years before Virginia accepted bill


k.      British invaded Monticello

(a)   Jefferson escaped and was called a coward


l.        1772

(a)   They had another daughter

(b)   Patty was dying in September

(c)    7 children in 10 years

(d)   They wrote out a quote on a 4x4” piece of paper

(i)     Kept the paper in the secret compartment next to his bed

(ii)   He read it many times

(iii) A lock of hair of his late wife and one of his late children in it

(e)   She said she could not die happy with a step mother

(i)     He promised to never marry again and he never did

(f)     When she did finally die he fainted and was carried out of the room insensible

(g)   Jefferson

(i)     Didn’t leave his room for 3 weeks

(ii)   He didn’t talk


(h)   A bond

(i)     Was formed between him and his daughter Martha whom was called Patsy

m.    After the country won their independence

(a)   He wrote a book

(i)     The only book he would ever write

(ii)   He wrote about a lot but he struggled with the question of race

1.      He says “blacks” are not as smart as “whites”

2.      They can never accomplished what “whites” can

3.      Roman slaves did better than American slaves did because roman slaves were “white”

n.      Slaves

(a)   Wouldn’t let them get whipped

(i)     unless it was extreme

(b)   He bought and sold them freely but privately

(i)     Didn’t want his name in the paper

(c)    He called the slaves his family his people

(i)      tend to his baths

(ii)   Made his tea

(iii) Did his chores

(d)   He didn’t lose much sleep on the slavery issue

(e)   We compare him to the great Virginian people

(i)     Who freed their slaves

1.      Like Washington

o.      1784

(a)   Paris Journey

(i)     Jefferson and Patsy sailed for Europe

(ii)   Jefferson was named to represent the new US

(iii) At first Jefferson disliked Paris

1.      Fashion mattered too much

2.      Hated the way the poor lived

3.      Etc.

(iv)  He was overwhelmed by the higher life

1.      He charmed the city

2.      Held lavish dinners

3.      Was in the court of  Luis the IV

(b)   Family

(i)     3 year old Lucy Elizabeth died

(ii)   Only two of the sixth children survived

(iii) He couldn’t handle being apart from his daughter

(iv)  She moved to Paris

(v)    He promised her that she could visit

(vi)  It took 2 years for her to arrive

(c)    Maria Cosweigh

(i)     He fell in love with her

(ii)   She was a Blonde, Petite, Learned in languages British artist

(iii) Martha was gone 4 ½ years

(iv)  She was married and devoted catholic

(v)    They spent a month together a beautiful month...

(vi)   But he promised Martha… so he wrote her a letter a goodbye letter

1.      His letter was the debate between head and heart, which to follow? Which to believe? Where to go? What to know?